Performers and Guilds

Important notes:

  • Guilds or organized groups please make sure to include the number of people in attendance and size of space needed.
  • Post sign announcing who your sponsor is.  All performers are paid for by grants - give your grant sponsor some love! 
    • With them...there could not be and us.  OR you!
  • Please throw your trash away in dumpsters and save the trash cans for patrons.  YOUR SITE MUST BE CLEAN BEFORE YOUR GROUP DEPARTS.  
  • Do not cut, damage, or remove perimeter fencing. 
  • please plan accordingly the needs of the team.  The Event is not responsible for providing toiletries, supplies, creature comforts, or sundries.  
  • If also selling wares, please include a description of what you are selling AND fill out the vendor registration form.  
    • Keep in mind each vendor selling within the group must also have appropriate city license and value of vendor booth is considered in overall cost of performance cost.  
  • Please keep in mind you may be responsible for any damages which occur.
  • Be aware that activities and some performer groups will need to carry liability insure with SSRF and the City of Joplin as coinsured.
  • Turn in proposal, be advised that proposal is open for negotiation up until grant has been approved.  

Guilds and Performer Apps are below.  Please fill them out and send them back via email.  

SSRF Guild App 2025 Docx
Word – 16.9 KB 192 downloads
Ssrf Performer 2025 App Docx
Word – 18.7 KB 142 downloads

Have questions?  Reach out!